2011년 11월 6일 일요일

Three words that symbolize me

     One easily recognizes the beauties and defects of the others. However, one cannot easily look into himself or herself and find out his or her characteristics easily. After a painstaking process of self-meditation, I found out my characteristics and came out with the three words that best represent me. I concluded that flower, fire, and red symbolize me.
First, flower exists in me. Flower shows the way how I love. Even though a flower desires to deliver its stamen to a female flower, it cannot move because the root deeply thrusts in the floor. The flower hopes that the nature, for example, the wind and the bugs, would deliver stamen to the other flower. In the same way, even though I want to deliver my mind to my love, my cowardice in love does not let me to move. I anticipate that my love would naturally know my mind, but I cannot feel certain.
Next, fire represents me. Fire symbolizes passion. However, it cannot go close to others because they would be hurt from its hot temperature. I love in a similar way. Even though I love passionately, I cannot go close to my love, worrying that they would not appreciate the love.
     Finally, the color red symbolizes me. Red emblematizes passion. On the other hand, an embarrassed face blushes, turning red. Passion and embarrassment co-exist in my love. Therefore, red stands as a symbol of my love.
     In conclusion, flower, fire, and red show how I love. A life reaches love in its ultimate stage. Therefore, since the three words best express the way how I love, they are the most appropriate words that represent my life. 

댓글 4개:

  1. I thought my in-class essay was so weak, so I edited and added details in the essay during the 7th period...

  2. Excellent! I had written a longer entry - but lost it because your blog server did not recognise my WordPress account...till I learnt one needs to insert only part of the whole address (one's ID). I wrote that, as a flower, one ought to flutter the flying stamen and continue into pools of fragrance and regeneration... Life, it seems, it pretty much an emulation of what one finds in a garden, around the sun, in new waves of beauty... That one also may learn how to lessen what in life makes life ugly... I suppose we are all flowers with a certain mission. ^^

  3. 'We are all flowers with a certain mission'.... wow your words are beautiful! Thank you!
