2011년 10월 26일 수요일

(Assignment #5) Reflective Essay on the Movie 'Spring'

     A boy is immature but strong. Therefore, a boy enjoys to, and is able to torture and kill the weaker existences in the nature. I was also once a boy who liked to divide an ant’s body into sixteen pieces and cut off the wings of a dragonfly. These experiences had been a source of pride when talking with other kids about who killed a creature in the cruelest way. I guess I enjoyed the cruelties because as a young boy, those small animals were the only existences that I could exert authority to. At the moment, I was the omnipotent being that could even decide the survival and death.
    Of course, I do not torture and kill small animals now. Now I obviously see that what I had done was very cruel and immature. But, why do I recognize it now? Because I became mature? Because I have been more powerful and now I have others to exert authority to, so I don’t need to bother the small animals?
     If the first one is the right reason, the situation is good. However, if the second one is the right reason, I should remind the lessons of the movie ‘Spring’. As the young monk was punished, I should think in others’ point of view. I should ask myself if others behaved to me as I behaved to them, what I would feel. Otherwise, as the old monk said, I might carry the regret and agony in my mind forever. 

댓글 3개:

  1. I think you should change "aunt's body" to "ant's body"

  2. If the second one was true, you might decide to become a prison warden like Hadley.

    On that note, you aren't alone in torturing ants (hopefully not aunts). When I lived on a farm, I lit a massive ant hill on fire with gasoline. My dad was really angry, as I almost started a grass fire. These ants were the massive red ones that you don't want anywhere near you, but I still feel they are entitled to existence. Poor ants.:(
